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The internet is a global, public resource and should be fossil-free by 2030. 

How the Fellowship Works

Our Green Web Fellowship consists of five practitioners who join us for a paid part-time fellowship.

These fellows deliver projects of their choice that explore the intersection of digital rights and climate justice movements. They learn together and from experienced practitioners about what powers control the internet, how it is fueled, and what we can do about it.

Learn in the Open

Openness is a tool to shift power. We document our learning processes so that others can build on these experiences and our own learning can be strengthened through reflection.

Collaborative Ethos

Fellows support each other’s learning and participate in workshops on decolonizing the digital rights movement, effective climate communication, digital sustainability and more.

Bridge Movements

Each fellow designs and delivers a project that solidifies their learning and contributes to their community. Fellows are supported in facilitative leadership, capacity building and strategic narratives.

Past cohorts

Green Web Fellows 2024

Learn more about our 2024 cohort in our post introducing our 2024 fellows.


South Africa & Netherlands


Serbia & United Kingdom

Luà Cruz



Romania & Belgium

Cathy Richards

Costa Rica & United States

Advisory committee 2024

Heather Milton-Lightening
Indigenous Just Transition Consultant, Founding member of Native Youth Movement
Lori Regattieri
Just and Sustainable Tech Consultant, eco-media platform founder, former Senior Fellow Trustworthy AI at Mozilla Foundation.
Catherine Muya, Green Web Foundation Fellow 2023
Catherine Muya
Green Web Fellow 2022/2023

Green Web Fellows 2023

Learn more about our 2023 fellowship in our post introducing our fellows and our post summarising their final insights.

Advisory Committee 2023

Andres Colmenares

Co-founder of IAM and the Billion Seconds Institute and Coordinator of Open Climate

Persephone Lewis

Professor of Practice and Tribal Liaison at the University of San Diego and Honouring Our Guardians Coordinator at Whose Knowledge?

Fieke Jansen

Postdoc researcher at the Data Justice Lab at Cardiff University and Coordinator of Digital Rights and Climate Justice Funder Collective

Green Web Fellows 2021-2022

Fieke Jansen

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Thank you to the Ford Foundation Tech & Society team for the core support to this program. 

Thanks as well to the program advisory committee (Andres Colmenares, Persephone Lewis, and Fieke Jansen), to the first cohort of Green Web Fellows (Melissa Hsiung, Emilio Velis, Hannah Smith, Fieke Jansen and Slammer Musuta), the Internet Society Foundation and Mozilla Foundation for their support of the first cohort.