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Get verified

We offer a free verification service for hosting providers who wish to become verified green hosting providers and get listed in our Green Web Dataset and Green Web Directory.

Frequently asked questions

What is a verified green hosting provider?

We consider a hosting provider to be an organisation that provides one or more of the services listed in our Directory. Verified green hosting providers are organisations that can demonstrate they are taking steps to avoid, reduce or offset the greenhouse gas emissions caused by using electricity to provide their services. They provide evidence to us to show that they do this on a yearly basis, or better. Read more about the evidence we require.

Why should green hosting providers become verified?

Every day, across the globe, around seven million checks are made against the Green Web Dataset by people wanting to answer the question “is this website is hosted green?“.

Hosting providers that can show their customers that an independent body, such as ourselves, have verified their claims of using infrastructure powered by renewable energy is a valuable asset. Why green web hosting matters.

Once included in the Dataset, verified hosting providers and their customers, can display a digital badge on their websites to show their successful verification and commitment to a greener web. Verified hosting providers also appear in our Green Web Directory for free.

How does an organisation become a verified green hosting provider?

A verification request form is submitted, free of charge, by hosting providers who wish to engage in the process of demonstrating their infrastructure is running on green energy.

Hosting providers must provide evidence to demonstrate what steps they are taking to avoid, reduce or offset the emissions caused by the digital infrastructure they use. Once we approve the verification request form, hosting providers become verified and are included in our Green Web Dataset free of charge. Read more about the verification process.

When will my verification request be reviewed?

A member of our team will review all new verification requests and updates on Tuesday each week. Once this review is complete, you will receive an email from us to either:

– Confirming that your verification request has been approved. Or,
– Asking you to update your request with further information to help with the verification review.

My organisation doesn’t offer hosting services, can I get verified?

At this time our verification service is only for organisations who offer specific web hosting related services. Here’s a full list of those services. We aim to expand this list to cover other types of digital services such as design, development and marketing in the future. This is dependent on us receiving enough funds through our donation streams.

Can I apply for an organisation I don’t work for?

The most helpful thing you can do if you want to see a hosting provider listed is to reach out to them and tell them about our service. Ask them to get in contact with us and make a verification request. We provide a number of sample templates to help you. We need organisations to provide evidence to us to demonstrate their internal practices, and this also needs to be kept up to date. It works better in the long run if we can talk directly to the organisation to arrange this.

What is the Green Web Dataset?

The Green Web Dataset is a list of all the website domains running on green energy in our system along with which verified green hosting provider is hosting them. What are the Green Web datasets and how do I use them?

What is the Green Web Directory?

The Green Web Directory is a searchable list of verified green hosting providers. These providers are organisations who offer hosting services and have evidenced they meet the sustainability criteria we have outlined. This service is designed to make it easier to choose greener providers who are more likely to align with your organisational values.

Ready to get verified?

Are you a hosting provider ready to become included in the Green Web Dataset? Find out what we accept as evidence of green power, and when you’re ready use the button below to create an account and get verified!