An experience report using the Tech Carbon Standardby Hannah Smith11th September 20249th October 2024Case studies, Publications
Our response to the GHG Protocol scope 2 surveyby Chris Adams11th September 20249th October 2024Policy
Reviewing the evidence we accept for Green hosting verificationby Fershad Irani3rd September 20243rd September 2024Dataset, Policy, Updates and events
Twin transition: from Green and Digital towards Defense and Securityby Andreea Belu19th August 202419th August 2024Fellowship
Environment Variables podcast: A greener internet that grows old and sleeps moreby Chris Adams18th August 202419th August 2024Updates and events
Meet us at the London Green I/O conference in Septemberby Chris Adams15th August 202416th August 2024Updates and events
EU sustainability regulation experts: can you help us?by Hannah Smith31st July 202430th January 2025Carbon.txt, Policy
New Environment Variables episode: AI’s Power Problemby Chris Adams23rd July 202423rd July 2024Updates and events
Introducing carbon.txt – Applying lessons from crowdsourcing net zero databy Chris Adams22nd July 202431st July 2024Carbon.txt, Policy
Starlink na Amazônia: Reflexões sobre humildade, Wayuri e os perigos que estão por virby Lua Cruz4th July 20244th July 2024Fellowship